One common problem with residential heating units and thermostats is that they may struggle to keep temperatures above 65 degrees. This is a frustrating issue for homeowners, as it can leave their homes feeling cold and uncomfortable during the winter months.

There are a few different reasons why this problem may occur. One possibility is that the heating unit itself may be faulty or in need of repair. For example, the furnace may not be properly circulating heat, or there may be a malfunction with the pilot light.

Another issue could be with the thermostat itself. If the thermostat is outdated or not properly calibrated, it may not accurately measure the temperature in the home and adjust the heating accordingly. Additionally, if the thermostat is located in an area of the home that is not representative of the temperature throughout the entire house (such as near a drafty window), it may be sending incorrect signals to the heating unit.

There are several steps homeowners can take to address these problems. First, they should make sure that their heating unit is properly maintained and serviced. This may include cleaning or replacing air filters, having the furnace inspected by a professional, and making any necessary repairs.

Second, they may need to replace their outdated thermostat with a newer, more advanced model. Smart thermostats, for example, can be programmed to automatically adjust the temperature in the home based on factors such as the time of day and occupancy. They also often come with app-based controls, which make it easier for homeowners to adjust the temperature from their smartphone or tablet.

Finally, homeowners can take steps to improve the energy efficiency of their home, such as sealing air leaks and adding insulation. This can help to reduce the workload on the heating unit and keep temperatures above 65 degrees more effectively.

In conclusion, keeping residential heating units and thermostats from staying at 65 degrees or below can be a challenging issue, but there are several steps homeowners can take to address it. From maintaining the heating unit to replacing the thermostat, to improving energy efficiency, homeowners have a number of options available to them.