Have you ever felt like a kid on Christmas morning, eagerly awaiting the arrival of something special? Well, if you’ve been through the anticipation of getting a brand-new air conditioner, you know the feeling! But along with that thrill comes a bit of nail-biting – what exactly is going to happen during this day-long event?

When the good folks of California start thinking about AC installation, they know the best name to call is California AC & Heating. Before we jump into the cool breeze of AC installation, here’s what you can generally expect from this exhilarating experience:

1. Out with the Old, In with the New: Before you can bask in the coolness of your brand-new unit, there’s the task of saying goodbye to the old one. Worry not! At California AC & Heating, our technicians ensure everything is kept neat and tidy by using protective measures like drop cloths. The power will be turned off, and any gas connections safely managed. While dismantling the old AC, it’s a bit like detective work – figuring out which connections can be reused and which ones are past their prime.

2. Prepping for the Star Attraction: It’s not just about setting the stage but ensuring that the stage is safe and sturdy. If your AC’s home (usually a raised platform in a closet) looks a little worse for wear, we might spruce it up. And as for that outdoor unit, it deserves a solid foundation – and maybe even a little protective barrier to keep away pesky debris.

3. The Grand Installation: Whether it’s a sequel to your old AC or a completely new model, we’ll ensure all the connections are just right. Depending on various factors, the installation process could take about eight hours, wrapping up with a masterclass on how to operate your new appliance. And though you might have mastered the remotes of many ACs before, each one has its quirks. We’ll make sure you’re well-equipped to make the most of your new cooling buddy.

So, when the temperatures in California begin to rise, and you’re thinking of an AC makeover, you know whom to trust – California AC & Heating. We promise a fun, efficient, and professional experience that will leave you with a smile (and a cool home)!